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Museums Galleries Scotland is the National Development Body for the Scottish museum sector that supports more than 400 museums and galleries through strategic investment, advice, advocacy, and skills development. They are currently seeking a contractor for the Development of Learning Resources to educate young people on the pathways to work within museums and heritage. The estimated contract value is unspecified.

Museums and Galleries Scotland: Development of Learning Resources

MGS is partnering with Developing the Young Workforce to deliver a two-year project, entitled Workforce for The Future, to engage museums and schools in eight lower Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation areas.

As part of the project, S1 and S2 pupils across the eight council areas will use a core learning resource to work with a local museum, learning about the diversity of job roles in the heritage sector and increasing their employability skills.

This tender opportunity is for a contractor to work with MGS to create the core learning resource to be used by the school pupils as part of the project. This resource must be in a format that allows for it to be accredited by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

The successful contractor will work with MGS staff to create a learning experience that challenges young people to imagine the museum of the future. The contractor will have some creative freedom around the format of the resource, so tender proposals should include suggestions for this.

Once a contract has been awarded, the contractor will then develop the initial concept in conversation with MGS (please note the information in section 5 of this Invitation to Tender). The resource will be used across a variety of museums with diverse collections and local contexts, so it must contain elements that individual museum participants can shape.

The main focus of the resource will be employability and diversifying the workforce pipeline, and it should encourage learners to explore the following:

- What are the different roles in heritage?
- What roles will be important in the future?
- What skills are needed to do these jobs?
- What does the museum of the future look like?

MGS aims for 35 - 42 hours of activity to complete the learning resource, and it will be targeted at S1 and S2 pupils. The decision to target these year groups allowed for the curriculum flexibility required to participate effectively in the project and follow on from previous successful pilot projects with P5, P6 and P7 pupils.

The resource should exist online and facilitate in-person learning, including visits from the schools to the museums and vice-versa.

The learning resource must be flexible and adaptable to different learning needs.

Further information is contained in the Invitation to Tender document.

For further information, interested contractors should go to the following link.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 26 June 2023 by 12 pm.


Museums Galleries Scotland
33 Castle Street
For the attention of: Laura McDonald
+44 131 550 4100