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The Kurpfälzisches Museum is an art and archaeological museum in Heidelberg, Germany. They have been seeking a contractor for the provision of media production. The successful contractor is Northern Light Productions of Boston, USA, and the total contract value is unspecified.

To see the original tender, please go to this link.

To see details of the tender award, please go to this link.


Stadt Heidelberg — Kurpfälzisches Museum
Postfach 105520
DE125 Heidelberg, Stadtkreis
Contact person: Rechtsamt Vergabeabteilung
E-mail: vergabeabteilung@heidelberg.de
Telephone: +49 62215823325/4/7
Fax: +49 6221584623326
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.heidelberg.de

Successful contractor:

Northern Light Productions
300 Western Avenue
US United States
United States
E-mail: erippel@nlprod.com
Telephone: +1 6177894344
The contractor is an SME: yes