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Cabrillo National Monument (pictured) is at the southern tip of the Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego, California. It commemorates the landing of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo at San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542. The National Park Service, who care for the site, were seeking contractors to plan, design, develop, install, train staff and provide one year warranty for a complete and working Audiovisual System for the existing visitor center theater at Cabrillo National Monument. The successful contractor is No Limits Audio Visual Inc. of Muncie, Indiana and the estimated contract value is $42,447.

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: AV THEATER DESIGN/BUILD. Notice ID: 140P1121Q0012. Contract Opportunity Type: Award Notice (Original).

To see the original notice, please go to the following link.

To see the full award, please go to the following link.

Award Details:

No Limits Audio Visual Inc.
Muncie, IN 47303-1068


7333 W Jefferson Avenue, Suite 100
Lakewood, CO 80225
For the attention of: Sheila Spring
+1 3045 356 239

Image: Robert Arends/Wikimedia Commons