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The overall theme for our Workshops in 2009 is “Gaining the Tools to Prosper in Turbulent Times.”  Each individual Workshop will enable participants from museum and heritage organisations to gain new skills and foster innovative ways of thinking that will help them seize the new opportunities that arise during a time of change.

The venue is the state-of-the-art conference facilities in the Crypt at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Located in the heart of the city of London, the building is widely considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful buildings.  Designed by Sir Christopher Wren in the late 17th century, the Cathedral has become a potent symbol of the life of the nation and the cosmopolitan city in which it is located.

Our Workshops will take place in the Wren Suite, an exceptional space in which to meet and work. The Suite, with its golden stone walls and high, vaulted ceilings will be the focus of the sessions, breaks and lunch.  Here the peace and splendour of Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece are combined with the comfort and convenience of 21st century facilities.

Each day-long Workshop will start at 9:30 am with registration and coffee, with sessions starting at 10:00 am.  Delegates will be provided with lunch and refreshments as well as afternoon coffee and tea.  The day ends at 5 pm, with each delegate given a USB key of the day’s presentations and fellow delegates’ contact details to keep as an aide-memoire.

Workshops in 2009 will include:

26 March, 2009 | Leading at Every Level: Creative Approaches to Leadership in Turbulent Times

How can leaders in the heritage sector cope with the turbulent times in which we live and still create vibrant, exciting, successful venues and attractions?  In this day-long Workshop, Jon Teckman, ex-Chief Executive of the British Film Institute and DCMS civil servant, will share the latest developments in management and leadership thinking.  Working in small groups in an informal, hands-on series of sessions, Jon will explore how this new thinking might be applied to the delegates’ particular challenges.  The day will be aimed at leaders in the broadest sense — team leaders, department heads, project leaders, as well as senior managers at museums, historic sites and local authorities.

To read more about the day and to book your place, click here.

21 May, 2009 | Interpretation Planning: A Step by Step Guide to Doing it Yourself

Anne Fletcher, formerly Head of Interpretation at the Historic Royal Palaces, leads this interactive session on putting together interpretation strategies for your organisation.  Education and access budgets are often the first to be cut when funding gets tight, and funding for consultants is often reduced or eliminated altogether.  In this day-long session, Anne will take delegates through the four major stages of interpretation planning and give useful examples from her work at St. Paul’s and Rochester Cathedrals, the Tower of London and Hampton Court Palace.  By the end of the day, delegates will have produced an outline of their own plan to kick start their own planning strategies…the first step in getting funding for your projects.

To read more about the day and to book your place, click here.