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tapetenmuseumThe German Wallpaper Museum, based in Kassel, was formed in 1923 by a group of leading wallpaper manufacturers and merchants, tracing the development of the decorative papers from the Early Modern Age to the present day. 

The collection, of some 23,000 objects, has been held in a number of locations in Kassel but will now have its own premises in the Museums Quarter. The local authority have been seeking a contractor for engineering services divided into 2 tenders: Tender 1 - Structural Engineer, and Tender 2 - Specialist Technical Equipment. The successful contractor for Tender 1 is Wetzel & von Seht, and the total contract value is 461,700.56 (approx. £410,876).

To see the original tender, please go to this link.

Landesbetrieb Bau und Immobilien Hessen, Niederlassung Mitte Zentrale Vergabe
Schützenrain 5–7
E-mail: info.fbt@lbih.hessen.de
Fax: +49 6031-167-126
NUTS code: DE7
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://vergabe.hessen.de

Successful contractor:
Wetzel & von Seht
Friesenweg 5e
Telephone: +49 408891670
E-mail: info@wvs.eu
Fax: +49 4088916767
NUTS code: DE6
The contractor is an SME: yes